Titan Dweevil parameters

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These are the unique parameters of the Titan Dweevil, fully documented on what each does. The file containing these parameters is /enemy/parms/EnemyParms.szs/BigTreasure/enemyParm.txt.

Configuration contents
# EnemyParmsBase
	{fp01} 4 3.000000 	# Base walking speed multiplier (Best way to change walk speed)
	{fp02} 4 -0.200000 	# Walk vertical deceleration
	{fp03} 4 0.500000 	# Walk vertical acceleration
	{fp04} 4 -2.000000 	# Min acceleration reduction
	{fp05} 4 10.000000 	# Max acceleration reduction
	{fp06} 4 120.000000 # Leg swinging strength
	{fp10} 4 2.500000 	# Delay before electric attack
	{fp11} 4 2.800000 	# Delay before fire attack
	{fp31} 4 2.500000 	# Delay before broken fire attack
	{fp12} 4 2.500000 	# Delay before gas attack
	{fp13} 4 2.500000 	# Delay before water attack
	{fp20} 4 5.000000 	# Duration of electric attack
	{fp21} 4 5.000000 	# Duration of fire attack
	{fp22} 4 5.000000 	# Duration of gas attack
	{fp23} 4 5.000000 	# Duration of water attack
	{fe00} 4 0.750000 	# Node Bounce Factor
	{fe01} 4 0.650000 	# Node Friction Factor
	{fe02} 4 100.000000 # horizontal node base speed
	{fe03} 4 220.000000 # horizontal node speed deviation
	{fe04} 4 170.000000 # vertical base speed
	{fe05} 4 200.000000 # vertical speed deviation
	{fe06} 4 2.700000 	# Delay before nodes discharge
	{fe08} 4 0.020000 	# Delay for current to jump to next node
	{fe07} 4 10 		# Number of Nodes involved in attack (This is NOT how many nodes spawn, its how many existing nodes get used in the attack)
	{fe10} 4 0.700000 	# Node Bounce Factor
	{fe11} 4 0.650000 	# Node Friction Factor
	{fe12} 4 80.000000 	# Horizontal node base speed
	{fe13} 4 250.000000 # Horizontal speed deviation
	{fe14} 4 350.000000 # Vertical base speed
	{fe15} 4 100.000000 # Vertical speed deviation
	{fe16} 4 4.500000 	# Delay before nodes discharge
	{fe18} 4 0.020000 	# Delay for current to jump to next node
	{fe17} 4 12 		# Number of Nodes involved in attack
	{fe20} 4 0.970000 	# Node Bounce Factor
	{fe21} 4 0.750000 	# Node Friction Factor
	{fe22} 4 60.000000 	# Horizontal node base speed
	{fe23} 4 70.000000 	# Horizontal node speed deviation
	{fe24} 4 350.000000 # Vertical node base speed
	{fe25} 4 100.000000 # Vertical node speed deviation
	{fe26} 4 0.500000 	# Delay before nodes discharge
	{fe28} 4 0.250000 	# Delay for current to jump to next node
	{fe27} 4 8 			# Number of Nodes involved in attack
	{fe30} 4 0.200000 	# Node Bounce Factor
	{fe31} 4 0.985000 	# Node Friction Factor
	{fe32} 4 100.000000 # Horizontal node base speed
	{fe33} 4 90.000000 	# Horizontal node speed deviation
	{fe34} 4 70.000000 	# Vertical base random speed
	{fe35} 4 20.000000 	# Vertical node speed deviation
	{fe36} 4 0.200000 	# Delay before nodes discharge
	{fe38} 4 0.150000 	# Delay for current to jump to next node
	{fe37} 4 14 		# Number of Nodes involved in attack
	{fe99} 4 0 			# Pattern Check (at the end of each attack, doesnt seem to do anything)
	{ff00} 4 1.000000 	# Standard Fire Scale
	{ff10} 4 1.250000 	# Broken Fire Scale
	{fg99} 4 0 			# Pattern Check
	{fg00} 4 0.015000 	# Standard Rotation Speed
	{fg10} 4 0.020000 	# Broken Rotation Speed
	{fg30} 4 30.000000 	# Standard Inversion Time (related to pattern it makes)
	{fg40} 4 2.000000 	# Broken Inversion Time
	{fg99} 4 0 			# Pattern Check
	{fw00} 4 0.500000 	# Standard Interval between Shots
	{fw01} 4 0.500000 	# Standard Angle Modifier
	{fw02} 4 100.000000 # Standard Max Distance of Shots
	{fw10} 4 0.250000 	# Broken Shot Interval
	{fw11} 4 0.400000 	# Broken Angle Modifier
	{fw12} 4 50.000000 	# Broken Max Distance of Shots
	{fw99} 4 0 			# Pattern Check