DSK file

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A .dsk (Demo Scene Key) file is used by Pikmin to make moving cameras and other key-framed movements present during cutscenes. The file is plaintext, but has a lot of floats and other values. .dsk files can be found in /dataDir/cinemas/demo*. Sometimes there will be multiple of them. In cutscenes that have text show up, the first is usually the main cutscene and the second is for the frozen camera while text is up. Any other .dsk files you see are likely unused. You can use Dolphin's file monitor log to see what files are loaded by what cutscenes.

Example of .dsk file

This is the cutscene for waking up at The Impact Site on day 1 (demo03):

Configuration contents "/data/"
Configuration contents
	version	1.00
	filename	d:/data/デモシーン/demo03/demo03_1
	toolname	soft3D
	source	'SOFTIMAGE3D_SDKv1.93.0 / 3Dv3.93.0'
	date	2001/09/06
	time	15:17:32
	magnify	1.000000
	numframes	460
	numcameras	1
	numAmbLights	0
	numDifLights	2
	numfogs		0
	numLayerFogs	0
	playmode	loop
	si_key		nouse

	size	252
	float	0.000000 87.567604 -0.019684 50.000000 83.686050 -5.796547 181.000000 69.293304
	float	0.000000 237.000000 69.293304 0.000000 238.000000 69.293304 -977.039124 239.000000
	float	4.157364 -977.039124 240.000000 4.157364 0.000000 389.000000 4.157364 0.000000
	float	391.000000 3.547012 -35.213814 407.000000 -63.687897 -35.213928 409.000000 -64.298271
	float	0.000000 459.000000 -64.298271 0.000000 460.000000 87.567604 0.000000 0.000000
	float	164.088867 -0.210571 51.000000 148.932449 -15.726013 179.000000 96.254196 -0.083199
	float	237.000000 96.254196 0.000000 238.000000 96.254196 -231.319763 239.000000 80.832878
	float	-231.319763 240.000000 80.832878 0.000000 389.000000 80.832878 0.000000 391.000000
	float	81.336586 29.060783 407.000000 136.823380 29.060898 410.000000 137.327087 0.000000
	float	459.000000 137.327087 0.000000 460.000000 164.088867 0.000000 0.000000 1947.254150
	float	0.007324 52.000000 1946.349365 -1.384277 183.000000 1947.495972 0.000000 237.000000
	float	1947.495972 0.000000 238.000000 1947.495972 -189.228516 239.000000 1934.880737 -189.228516
	float	240.000000 1934.880737 0.000000 389.000000 1934.880737 0.000000 392.000000 1935.755371
	float	24.924316 407.000000 1960.156494 13.121338 410.000000 1960.384033 0.000000 459.000000
	float	1960.384033 0.000000 460.000000 1947.254150 0.000000 0.000000 47.342243 0.040054
	float	70.000000 51.076900 2.462883 182.000000 58.051655 0.000000 237.000000 58.051655
	float	0.000000 238.000000 58.051655 292.489655 239.000000 77.550964 292.489655 240.000000
	float	77.550964 0.000000 389.000000 77.550964 0.000000 391.000000 78.740662 68.638115
	float	407.000000 209.793732 68.638000 409.000000 210.983414 0.000000 459.000000 210.983414
	float	0.000000 460.000000 47.342243 0.000000 0.000000 22.798201 -0.005436 139.000000
	float	20.997837 -0.248251 237.000000 20.825630 0.000000 238.000000 20.825630 43.545570
	float	239.000000 23.728668 43.545570 240.000000 23.728668 0.000000 389.000000 23.728668
	float	0.000000 400.000000 25.903618 9.173155 409.000000 27.459347 0.000000 459.000000
	float	27.459347 0.000000 460.000000 22.798201 0.000000 0.000000 1909.964844 -0.018311
	float	52.000000 1907.585083 -2.744751 208.000000 1903.818726 0.000000 237.000000 1903.818726
	float	0.000000 238.000000 1903.818726 73.308105 239.000000 1908.705933 73.308105 240.000000
	float	1908.705933 0.000000 389.000000 1908.705933 0.000000 391.000000 1908.202026 -29.073486
	float	407.000000 1852.691040 -29.073486 410.000000 1852.187134 0.000000 459.000000 1852.187134
	float	0.000000 460.000000 1909.964844 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 74.433838 0.000000
	float	238.000000 74.433838 -0.035609 239.000000 38.338299 0.000000 390.000000 38.338299
	float	0.000000 408.000000 47.080536 0.000000 415.000000 47.080536 0.000000 475.000000
	float	47.080536 0.000000 0.100000 32768.000000 

	index	0
	name	cam_int1
	cam_pos_x	13	0	0
	cam_pos_y	13	39	0
	cam_pos_z	13	78	0
	cam_lat_x	13	117	0
	cam_lat_y	11	156	0
	cam_lat_z	13	189	0
	cam_twist	1	228	0
	cam_fovy	7	229	0
	cam_near	1	250	0
	cam_far		1	251	0

	size	12
	float	-181.302521 101.465294 137.835602 150.184036 137.668640 1.000000 -296.745667 -20.224216
	float	3378.791260 62.576744 84.478439 98.558266 

	index	0
	name	light3_1_3_2_3
	light_type	point
	light_pos_x	1	0	0
	light_pos_y	1	1	0
	light_pos_z	1	2	0
	light_r_param	1	0	0
	light_g_param	1	0	0
	light_b_param	1	0	0
	light_visible	1	0	0

	index	1
	name	light4_1_3_2_3
	light_type	point
	light_pos_x	1	6	0
	light_pos_y	1	7	0
	light_pos_z	1	8	0
	light_r_param	1	9	0
	light_g_param	1	10	0
	light_b_param	1	11	0
	light_visible	1	5	0

	size	0

	index	0
	name	cam_int1
	si_cam_aspect_ratio	1.180000
	si_cam_auto_fovy	false

	si_cam_dof_type		off

	size	1
	float	10000.000000 

	index	0
	name	light3_1_3_2_3
	light_type	point
	si_light_ShadowType	none
	si_light_AreaType	none
	si_light_start		1	0	0
	si_light_end		1	0	0

	index	1
	name	light4_1_3_2_3
	light_type	point
	si_light_ShadowType	none
	si_light_AreaType	none
	si_light_start		1	0	0
	si_light_end		1	0	0


The first part of any .dsk file is <SCENE_KEY_ANIM_INFO>. The majority of this segment is development creation data, like the time and directory, that don't do anything. So far, the only thing here that I've found does anything is numcameras which crashes the game at 0. (It is possible "playmode" has an effect too.)

After this is <KEY_CAMERA_ANIM>. This segment is nothing more than a bunch of floating point numbers. At the start is the number of floats present after it. Don't think anything of the number of floats per line, it doesn't mean anything. Changing these floats will change how the camera behaves during cutscenes.

After that is what actually assigns all those floats in the previous segment, <KEY_CAMERA_TABLE>. This segment is made of 12 lines.

List of parameters
Name Description
index Index of this camera, used when there are multiple cameras in a cutscene. This should always be 0.
name Name of the camera, which is seemingly used by other segments of the file.
cam_pos_x X value of cameras location.
cam_pos_y Y value of cameras location.
cam_pos_z Z value of cameras location.
cam_lat_x X value of where the camera is focused on.
cam_lat_y Y value of where the camera is focused on.
cam_lat_z Z value of where the camera is focused on.
cam_twist Camera roll axis?[unsure] (usually left at 0.000000).
cam_fovy The field of view of the camera.
cam_near Near culling distance of camera (doesn't work?[unsure]) (always 0.100000)
cam_far Far culling distance of camera (doesn't work?[unsure]) (always 32768.000000)

After all of these parameters is a set of 3 values; these control how many floats from the float table above are for each of the parameters. The right value is always 0. At first I thought this matched the value with the index of this camera, but it seems that even when there are multiple tables it stays at 0. Changing it can break the cutscene, so it clearly does something... The middle value is the highest index float this parameter uses. Keep in mind they can technically be anywhere in the file, and multiple parameters can use the same floats. The left value is the number of floats used for this parameter, counting backwards from the middle value.


After this are many other minor segments, such as <EX_SI_KEY_CAMERA_ANM> and <EX_SI_KEY_CAMERA_TABLE>. These two are seemingly always present, although the former is always empty. The latter uses the camera name to connect to the main camera, as described before, but it is unknown what it actually does.

<KEY_DIFFUSE_LIGHT_ANM> and <KEY_DIFFUSE_LIGHT_TABLE> work in a similar way to the camera movement values, but control lighting. They have different parameters in the table though, so I will put them here too.

List of parameters
Name Description
index Index of this spotlight, used when there are multiple cameras in a cutscene.
name Name of the spotlight, which is seemingly used by other segments of the file.
light_type Unique to lighting, not quite sure on this one yet.[unsure]
light_pos_x X value of spotlight location.
light_pos_y Y value of spotlight location.
light_pos_z Z value of spotlight location.
light_r_param Amount of red in spotlight.
light_g_param Amount of green in spotlight.
light_b_param Amount of blue in spotlight.
light_visible Amount of alpha in light. (always 255.000000)

The three values after each parameter work the same here as with the camera, although they are usually much simpler, if even present at all.

Lighting also has its own <EX_SI_KEY_CAMERA_ANM> and <EX_SI_KEY_CAMERA_TABLE>, which seem equally strange and unknown.