Difference between revisions of "Pikmin directory tree"

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(I tried and gave up. It would feel wrong to not share what I've done, though.)
m (Forgot to add this.)
(7 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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{{todo|Pick up where I left off}}
This article lists all folders and noteworthy files in ''Pikmin''. Yellow rows are folders, and blue rows are files.
■ root
├──■ &&SystemData
│  ├──□ ISO.hdr
│  ├──□ AppLoader.ldr
│  ├──□ Start.dol
│  └──□ Game.toc
├──■ banners&icons
│  ├──□ o_icon.bti
│  ├──□ o_icon.h
│  ├──□ pikmin_b.bti
│  ├──□ pikmin_b.h
│  ├──□ pikmin_i.bti
│  ├──□ pikmin_i.h
│  ├──□ pikmin_i2.bti
│  ├──□ pikmin_i2.h
│  ├──□ p_card_v.bti
│  ├──□ p_card_v.h
│  ├──□ p_icon.bti
│  └──□ p_icon.h
├──□ config.ini
├──■ dataDir
│  ├──■ 2d_data
│  │  └──■ karltexs
│  │    ├──□ 2D_piki.txe
│  │    ├──□ 2D_piki.txe-karl
│  │    ├──□ arrow.bti
│  │    ├──□ blue.txe
│  │    ├──□ cage.txe
│  │    ├──□ cagenew.txe
│  │    ├──□ gmwin.bti
│  │    ├──□ kettei.bti
│  │    ├──□ oldgmwin.bti
│  │    ├──□ red.txe
│  │    ├──□ stick_d.bti
│  │    ├──□ stick_n.bti
│  │    ├──□ stuck_u.bti
│  │    ├──□ udarrow.bti
│  │    └──□ yellow.txe
│  ├──■ archives
│  │  ├──□ blo_eng.arc
│  │  ├──□ blo_eng.dir
│  │  ├──□ blo_kodomo.arc
│  │  ├──□ blo_kodomo.dir
│  │  ├──□ blo_otona.arc
│  │  ├──□ blo_otona.dir
│  │  ├──□ bomb.arc
│  │  ├──□ bomb.dir
│  │  ├──□ bosses.arc
│  │  ├──□ bosses.dir
│  │  ├──□ bridges.arc
│  │  ├──□ bridges.dir
│  │  ├──□ effshapes.arc
│  │  ├──□ effshapes.dir
│  │  ├──□ fl_water.arc
│  │  ├──□ fl_water.dir
│  │  ├──□ gates.arc
│  │  ├──□ gates.dir
│  │  ├──□ goal.arc
│  │  ├──□ goal.dir
│  │  ├──□ pelletsbin.arc
│  │  ├──□ pelletsbin.dir
│  │  ├──□ pikihead.arc
│  │  ├──□ pikihead.dir
│  │  ├──□ plants.arc
│  │  ├──□ plants.dir
│  │  ├──□ rope.arc
│  │  ├──□ rope.dir
│  │  ├──□ tekikey.arc
│  │  ├──□ tekikey.dir
│  │  ├──□ tekipara.arc
│  │  ├──□ tekipara.bin
│  │  ├──□ tekis.arc
│  │  ├──□ tekis.dir
│  │  ├──□ ufopartsbin.arc
│  │  ├──□ ufopartsbin.dir
│  │  ├──□ water.arc
│  │  ├──□ water.bin
│  │  ├──□ weeds.arc
│  │  └──□ weeds.bin
│  ├──□ backgmd.bti
│  ├──□ bigFont.bti
│  ├──□ bigFont.h
│  ├──■ bosses
│  │  ├──□ arc_all.ini
│  │  ├──■ core
│  │  │  ├──□ anims.bin
│  │  │  ├──□ core.anm
│  │  │  ├──□ core.mod
│  │  │  └──□ parms.bin
│  │  ├──■ king
│  │  │  ├──□ anims.bin
│  │  │  ├──□ head.mod
│  │  │  ├──□ king.anm
│  │  │  ├──□ king.mod
│  │  │  ├──□ kuti.mod
│  │  │  └──□ parms.bin
│  │  ├──■ kingback
│  │  │  ├──□ anims.bin
│  │  │  ├──□ kingback.anm
│  │  │  ├──□ kingback.mod
│  │  │  ├──□ parms.bin
│  │  │  └──□ se_col.mod
│  │  ├──■ kogane
│  │  │  ├──□ anims.bin
│  │  │  ├──□ kogane.anm
│  │  │  ├──□ kogane.mod
│  │  │  └──□ parms.bin
│  │  ├──■ kumo
│  │  │  ├──□ anims.bin
│  │  │  ├──□ kumo.anm
│  │  │  ├──□ kumo.mod
│  │  │  └──□ parms.bin
│  │  ├──■ mizu
│  │  │  ├──□ anims.bin
│  │  │  ├──□ mixu.anm
│  │  │  ├──□ mizu.mod
│  │  │  └──□ parms.bin
│  │  ├──■ nucleus
│  │  │  ├──□ anims.bin
│  │  │  ├──□ nucleus.anm
│  │  │  ├──□ nucleus.mod
│  │  │  └──□ parms.bin
│  │  ├──■ pom
│  │  │  ├──□ anims.bin
│  │  │  ├──□ parms.bin
│  │  │  ├──□ pom.anm
│  │  │  └──□ pom.mod
│  │  ├──■ slime
│  │  │  ├──□ anims.bin
│  │  │  ├──□ parms.bin
│  │  │  ├──□ slime.anm
│  │  │  └──□ slime.mod
│  │  └──■ snake
│  │    ├──□ anims.bin
│  │    ├──□ parms.bin
│  │    ├──□ snake.anm
│  │    └──□ snake.mod
│  ├──□ build.map
│  ├──■ camera
│  ├──■ cinemas
│  ├──□ consFont.bti
│  ├──■ courses
│  ├──■ effects
│  ├──■ ghost
│  ├──■ intro
│  ├──■ MovieData
│  ├──□ nintendo.txt
│  ├──■ objects
│  ├──■ parms
│  ├──■ pikis
│  ├──□ prefs.bin
│  ├──□ rootRing.txe
│  ├──■ savedata
│  ├──■ screen
│  ├──■ shapes
│  ├──■ SndData
│  ├──■ stages
│  ├──■ tekikeys
│  ├──■ tekipara
│  ├──■ tekis
│  ├──■ testdata
│  └──□ testFont.txe
[[Category:Pikmin 1]]
{{todo|Apparently we're supposed to figure all of these out and link them to the relevant pages.}}
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Entry || Description
{{dt|d||dataDir|Location of essentially all game files.}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|2d_data|Contains several unused image files in the [[TXE file|TXE]] format.}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|archives|Storage folder for all .ARC and .DIR file pairs}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|blo_eng.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\screen\eng_blo</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|blo_kodomo.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\screen\kodomo_blo</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|blo_otona.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\screen\otona_blo</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|bomb.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\objects\bomb</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|bosses.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\bosses</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|bridges.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\objects\bridge</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|effshapes.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\effects\shapes</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|fl_water.dir|Copy of <code>dataDir\objects\fl_water</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|gates.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\objects\gate</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|goal.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\objects\goal</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|pelletsbin.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\objects\pellets</code> '''(.BIN files only)'''}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|pikihead.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\objects\pikihead</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|plants.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\objects\plants</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|rope.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\objects\rope</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|tekikey.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\tekikeys</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|tekipara.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\tekipara</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|tekis.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\tekis</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|ufopartsbin.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\objects\ufoparts</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|water.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\objects\water</code>}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/archives|weeks.arc|Copy of <code>dataDir\objects\weeds</code>}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|bosses|Contains parameters, models, animations, and animation managers for every boss. Unused in the final game.  Used by the [https://tcrf.net/Pikmin/Windows_Executable Windows x86 Debugger]}}
{{dt|f|dataDir|build.map|An actual symbol map, unlike a ''certain sequel''}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|camera|Contains 3 versions of the game's per-camera-ters. <code>camepara.bin</code> is used.}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|cinemas|Contains (copies of) models and animations used in cutscenes, along with other stuff}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/cinemas|opening.cin|{{unsure|Used on for title screen?}}}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/cinemas|opening.ini|{{unsure|Used on for title screen?}}}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|courses|Contains the 3D models for every area of the game.  Some testing maps, too.}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|effects|Contains particle effects and onion spotlight things.}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/ghost|record.gst|{{unsure|Mysterious file.  What does this do??}}}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|intro|Contains the Nintendo logo image, course name images and the countdown graphic's model and animations.}}}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|MovieData|Prerendered video in '''H4M''' format}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|objects| Contains models, animations, animation managers for misc. objects. Unused in the final game.  Used by the [https://tcrf.net/Pikmin/Windows_Executable Windows x86 Debugger]}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/objects/plants|conversion.lnk|Shortcut to <code>Z:\conversion\courses\plants</code>.  {{unsure|Purpose is unknown}}}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|parms|Contains general parameter files.}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|pikis|Contains models, animations, and animation managers for Pikmin, Olimar, and stages of maturity of Pikmin.}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/savedata|test.card|{{unsure|Memory card defaults?}}}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|screen|Contains textures and layouts for 2D menus.}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|shapes|Contains miscellaneous 3D models like the cursor and some stuff used in debugger.}}
{{dt|f|dataDir/SndData/Seqs|pikiseq.arc|A '''BARC''' file. It contains the game's sequenced music.}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|stages|Contains '''GEN''' files for {{unsure|all stages}}}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|tekikeys|Contains animation managers for all enemies. Unused in the final game. Used by the [https://tcrf.net/Pikmin/Windows_Executable Windows x86 Debugger]}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|tekipara|Contains parameters for all enemies. Unused in the final game. Used by the [https://tcrf.net/Pikmin/Windows_Executable Windows x86 Debugger]}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|tekis|Contains animations and models for all enemies. Unused in the final game. Used by the [https://tcrf.net/Pikmin/Windows_Executable Windows x86 Debugger]}}
{{dt|d|dataDir|testdata|Contains some leftover files.  Early models for a few ship parts/enemies, along with a mysterious "1.act" file.}}
{{dt|f||config.ini|A big let-down}}
{{dt|f||sysBootup.exe|Development tool left on the disk.  For more info, see [https://tcrf.net/Pikmin/Windows_Executable TCRF.net]}}
[[Category:Directory trees]]
[[Category:Directory trees]]

Latest revision as of 13:11, 4 October 2024

This article lists all folders and noteworthy files in Pikmin. Yellow rows are folders, and blue rows are files.

To do: Apparently we're supposed to figure all of these out and link them to the relevant pages.

Entry Description
dataDir Location of essentially all game files.
dataDir/2d_data Contains several unused image files in the TXE format.
dataDir/archives Storage folder for all .ARC and .DIR file pairs
dataDir/archives/blo_eng.arc Copy of dataDir\screen\eng_blo
dataDir/archives/blo_kodomo.arc Copy of dataDir\screen\kodomo_blo
dataDir/archives/blo_otona.arc Copy of dataDir\screen\otona_blo
dataDir/archives/bomb.arc Copy of dataDir\objects\bomb
dataDir/archives/bosses.arc Copy of dataDir\bosses
dataDir/archives/bridges.arc Copy of dataDir\objects\bridge
dataDir/archives/effshapes.arc Copy of dataDir\effects\shapes
dataDir/archives/fl_water.dir Copy of dataDir\objects\fl_water
dataDir/archives/gates.arc Copy of dataDir\objects\gate
dataDir/archives/goal.arc Copy of dataDir\objects\goal
dataDir/archives/pelletsbin.arc Copy of dataDir\objects\pellets (.BIN files only)
dataDir/archives/pikihead.arc Copy of dataDir\objects\pikihead
dataDir/archives/plants.arc Copy of dataDir\objects\plants
dataDir/archives/rope.arc Copy of dataDir\objects\rope
dataDir/archives/tekikey.arc Copy of dataDir\tekikeys
dataDir/archives/tekipara.arc Copy of dataDir\tekipara
dataDir/archives/tekis.arc Copy of dataDir\tekis
dataDir/archives/ufopartsbin.arc Copy of dataDir\objects\ufoparts
dataDir/archives/water.arc Copy of dataDir\objects\water
dataDir/archives/weeks.arc Copy of dataDir\objects\weeds
dataDir/bosses Contains parameters, models, animations, and animation managers for every boss. Unused in the final game. Used by the Windows x86 Debugger
dataDir/build.map An actual symbol map, unlike a certain sequel
dataDir/camera Contains 3 versions of the game's per-camera-ters. camepara.bin is used.
dataDir/cinemas Contains (copies of) models and animations used in cutscenes, along with other stuff
dataDir/cinemas/opening.cin Used on for title screen?[unsure]
dataDir/cinemas/opening.ini Used on for title screen?[unsure]
dataDir/courses Contains the 3D models for every area of the game. Some testing maps, too.
dataDir/effects Contains particle effects and onion spotlight things.
dataDir/ghost/record.gst Mysterious file. What does this do??[unsure]
dataDir/intro Contains the Nintendo logo image, course name images and the countdown graphic's model and animations.
dataDir/MovieData Prerendered video in H4M format
dataDir/objects Contains models, animations, animation managers for misc. objects. Unused in the final game. Used by the Windows x86 Debugger
dataDir/objects/plants/conversion.lnk Shortcut to Z:\conversion\courses\plants. Purpose is unknown[unsure]
dataDir/parms Contains general parameter files.
dataDir/pikis Contains models, animations, and animation managers for Pikmin, Olimar, and stages of maturity of Pikmin.
dataDir/savedata/test.card Memory card defaults?[unsure]
dataDir/screen Contains textures and layouts for 2D menus.
dataDir/shapes Contains miscellaneous 3D models like the cursor and some stuff used in debugger.
dataDir/SndData/Seqs/pikiseq.arc A BARC file. It contains the game's sequenced music.
dataDir/stages Contains GEN files for all stages[unsure]
dataDir/tekikeys Contains animation managers for all enemies. Unused in the final game. Used by the Windows x86 Debugger
dataDir/tekipara Contains parameters for all enemies. Unused in the final game. Used by the Windows x86 Debugger
dataDir/tekis Contains animations and models for all enemies. Unused in the final game. Used by the Windows x86 Debugger
dataDir/testdata Contains some leftover files. Early models for a few ship parts/enemies, along with a mysterious "1.act" file.
config.ini A big let-down
sysBootup.exe Development tool left on the disk. For more info, see TCRF.net
Credits: Minty_Meeo