GameCube File Tools
GameCube File Tools is a GUI tool that can be used for a variety things such as Yaz0 compression for ARC to SZS, BTI image creation, and J3D texture modifications.
Yaz0 Compression[edit]
Yaz0 Compression is used to compress ARC files output by Lunaboy's RARC Tools into SZS files.
"Pad compressed files to 0x20 bytes" must be checked before compressing the archive to prevent issues that may occur without it such as corrupted BTIs.
Setting the compression level the far right is recommended as compression speeds tend to be quick and you can have effective archive compression that way.
BTI Images[edit]
You can make BTI images from scratch by importing any image for stuff like 2D screens.
You can adjust stuff like the image format, the X/Y wrapping, the filtering, and alpha setting.
For more information about BTI files, refer to the BTI file page.
J3D Files[edit]
Texture editing[edit]
Texture editing via GCFT isn't necessary for advanced modelers as the BTI information can be set via the "tex_headers" .jsons. Simpler models converted via pikmin2_simpleshade.bat will default to repeat X/Y wrapping and the CMPR image format, as well as lack transparency.
By importing a BMD file, you have the ability to make modifications to any texture by right clicking the texture under TEX1, and selecting "Open image". You'll then want to go to the "BTI Images" tab.
If the CMPR texture is crusty, you can re-import the texture with the PNG you're using and change the image format whichever one works best to allow for a cleaner texture. You can also change the texture wrap X/Y from "Repeat" to "ClampToEdge" if your model depends on it.
When you're done modifying the BTI image, go back to the "BTI Images" tab and right click the texture you're modifying and select "Replace Image". You can repeat the process for any other textures you want to edit before exporting your new BMD file.