Pikmin 2 troubleshooting

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Solutions to common problems that can occur while editing Pikmin 2's files.

Note: Get the automatic crash debugger screen code from this page before continuing, as that crash screen can provide valuable info on what caused a crash.

Adding more sublevels to a vanilla cave crashes
Make sure the number of entries in the BgmList (located in user/Totaka) for the cave matches the number of sublevels that are in the cave.
My custom model has random stretchy bits
Check your weight painting on the model, partial weights should not be used.
The changes I made to the overworld aren't applying
You need to be on a new save.
The crash screen said "Memory Alloc Error"
That means the game is out of memory. Try reducing the size of a model, or the amount of enemies in an overworld, or whatever change you made that caused the error

Loading a cave stays stuck for longer than usual and eventually crashes Dolphin
Open the cave definition file and go to the sublevel you were trying to load. Make sure that the amount of entries on TekiInfo, ItemInfo, etc. blocks matches the number present at the start of that same block (this number commented with num).