STX file list

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This is a list of STX files inside the disc in Pikmin. They can be found in /dataDir/SndData.

Files identical to the ones found in the Revision 1 Mix are omitted for clarity.


Filename Song Revision 1 Mix Revision 2 Mix EU mix
badend0.stx Bad & Neutral ending part 1 File:Badend0.wav File:Badend0 (EU Mix).wav
badend1.stx Bad ending part 2 File:Badend1.wav File:Badend1 (EU Mix).wav
badend2.stx Bad ending part 3 File:Badend2.wav File:Badend2 (EU Mix).wav
compend0.stx Good ending part 1 File:Compend0.wav File:Compend0 (EU Mix).wav
compend1.stx Good ending part 2 File:Compend1.wav File:Compend1 (Alternate Mix).wav File:Compend1 (EU Mix).wav
d_end1.stx End of day File:D end1.wav File:D end1 (EU Mix).wav
d_end3.stx End of day (unfortunate) File:D end3.wav File:D end3 (EU Mix).wav
fanf5.stx New High Score! (Challenge Mode) File:Fanf5.wav
happyend1.stx Neutral ending part 2 File:Happyend1.wav File:Happyend1 (Alternate Mix).wav File:Happyend1 (EU Mix).wav
o_dead.stx Olimar is down! & Pikmin extinction! File:O dead.wav
onion.stx Onion boot-up File:Onion.wav
opening.stx Opening cutscene File:Opening.wav File:Opening (EU Mix).wav
piki.stx UNUSED File:Piki.wav


JPN Demo, JPN v1.01, and EU Demo all use the Revision 1 Mix.

JPN v1.02, USA Demo, USA v1.00, and USA v1.01 all use the Revision 2 Mix.

PAL v1.00 uses the EU Mix, which borrows musical cues from the Revision 2 Mix.