Screen file list (Pikmin 2)

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Below is a file list of all screens in Pikmin 2. Screen resources are usually contained in SZS archives, with BTI textures, BLO screen files and BCK/BPK/BTK animations within these archives.

Contained in new_screen/cmn/[edit]

Archive name Description Image
gold_pod_for_message_window.szs Post debt ship cutscene talk icon
message_window.szs Ship cutscene dialogue box
pod_for_message_window.szs Pre debt ship cutscene talk icon
res_map_image_forest.szs Awakening Wood radar map image
res_map_image_last.szs Wistful Wild radar map image
res_map_image_tutorial.szs Valley of Repose radar map image
res_map_image_yakushima.szs Perplexing Pool radar map image
result_image_final.szs Textures used for final results screen thumbnails

Contained in new_screen/(language folder)/[edit]

Archive name Description Image
E3_title_menu.szs Unused title screen with only 2 options, likely from an E3 build of Pikmin 2
file_select.szs File select screen
final_floor.szs Final floor of cave screen
gameover_louie.szs Louie is down! screen
hensai_demo_kanryo.szs You repayed the entire debt! screen
hensai_demo_otakara.szs You collected every treasure! screen
hensai_demo_parsent.szs X% of debt recovered! screen
info_window.szs Menu prompt for stuff like saving after a day is done
memory_card.szs Memory card screens, appears when there's no memory card, no save data created, or if the memory card is corrupted
omake.szs Title screen bonus menu/E reader menu
option_jp.szs Japanese version of options screen
option_pal.szs European version of options screen
option_us.szs US version of options screen
progre.szs Enable progressive scan menu from game boot. Unused in Wii and Switch versions.
ready_go.szs Ready/Go! screen from challenge mode/versus
res_ana_demo.szs Cave entry screen, delve deeper screen, and geyser escape screen
res_cave.szs Cave HUD
res_challenge_1p.szs Challenge Mode 1-Player HUD
res_challenge_2p.szs Challenge Mode 2-Player HUD
res_challengeResult.szs Challenge Mode results screen
res_challengeSelect.szs Challenge Mode main menu
res_contena.szs Onion menus
res_course_name00.szs Valley of Repose loading screen
res_course_name01.szs Awakening Wood loading screen
res_course_name02.szs Perplexing Pool loading screen
res_course_name03.szs Wistful Wild loading screen
res_dayend.szs Unused sunset approaching screen resources (used resources are in res_ground)
res_enemyZukan.szs Piklopedia screen
res_final_message.szs "Return to planet and resume expedition?" screen
res_floor_name.szs Unused cave loading screen
res_floor_name_eng_pal.szs US/PAL cave loading screen
res_floor_name_jpn.szs Japanese cave loading screen
res_gameover.szs Unused Game Over! screen
res_ground.szs Overworld HUD
res_hiscore.szs Title screen high scores menu
res_hiscoreTexture.szs Thumbnails for high scores screen
res_itemZukan.szs Treasure Hoard screen
res_kantei.szs Treasure Collected screen
res_lujidown.szs Unused Louie is down screen
res_orimadown.szs Olimar is down! screen
res_pikmindown.szs Pikmin Extinction! screen
res_presidentdown.szs President is down! screen
res_s_menu_controller.szs Unused game controls pause screen
res_s_menu_item.szs Collected upgrades and berries pause screen
res_s_menu_map.szs Radar map and Pikmin count pause screen
res_s_menu_pause.szs Total pokos and skip to sunset pause screen
res_s_menu_pause_doukutu.szs Total pokos and give up cave pause screen
res_s_menu_pause_VS.szs Pause in challenge/vs mode screen, also used for other stuff
res_special_item.szs Collection screen for items like berries and spray drops
res_ufo.szs Purple or White Pikmin selection ship menu
res_vs.szs Main 2-Player Battle HUD
res_vsSelect.szs 2-Player Battle main menu
res_vsSelectTexture.szs 2-Player Battle stage thumbnails, Olimar and Louie icons, and item icons
res_world_map_info_window0.szs World map do you return to title screen
res_world_map_info_window1.szs World map do you land in this area screen
result_doukutu.szs Cave results screen
result_final.szs Debt repaid/All treasures final results screen
result_fueta.szs Unused day results Pikmin grown screen
result_fuetaheta.szs Day results Pikmin grown and Pikmin deaths screen
result_heta.szs Unused day results Pikmin deaths screen
result_item.szs Day results treasures collected screen
result_mail.szs Day results mail screen
result_title_new.szs Today's Report end of day results screen
title.szs Main title screen menu
win_lose.szs 2-Player Battle win/lose/draw/time up results screen
win_lose_reason.szs Like above but for Olimar is Down! or Pikmin Extinction!
worldmap.szs World map screen