Pikmin 2 directory tree

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This article lists all folders and noteworthy files in Pikmin 2, and recommended tools for viewing or modifying them.
Yellow rows are folders, and red rows are unused files or folders with no effect on the game.

To do: Add links for everything.


Path Details Recommended Tool
AudioRes/ JAudio resources. Contains data for music, instruments, and sound effects. Pikmin 2 Sound Modding Toolkit
AudioRes/Banks .AW wave scene files. Contain audio samples of instruments and sound effects for the instrument programs. Pikmin 2 Sound Modding Toolkit
AudioRes/BgmList.txt Early list of sequences and volume settings. The real BgmList.txt is in Totaka's folder. Notepad++
AudioRes/Conductor.arc/ .CND conductor files. Creates music for caves. Hex Editor
AudioRes/Key.arc/ .BAS files, which link SoundIDs to enemy animations. bastool
AudioRes/Key.arc/enemy.prj Leftover project information about the .BAS files.
AudioRes/PSound.aaf .AAF audio archive file. Integral file that contains information about all the available sound effects, waves, instrument banks + programs, and music. Pikmin 2 Sound Modding Toolkit
AudioRes/PSound.asn .ASN audio sound names. Contains a list of all SoundIDs, which reference a sequence from se.bms. asn2csv
AudioRes/Seqs/Seq.arc/ .BMS binary music sequences. Contains sequenced music (akin to MIDI files). flaaffy or JAIMaker
AudioRes/Seqs/Seq.arc/se.bms Special .BMS file containing all sound effect sequences in the game. p2setoolkit, flaaffy or JAIMaker
AudioRes/Stream/ .AST audio streams. Contains streamed music (akin to WAV or MP3 files). JATAST
banner/ Contains three different Gamecube banner images for Pikmin 2. This folder is unused; depending on the region, one of these was copied and placed into the root directory as opening.bnr pyisotools
enemy/ Enemy data. Also includes plants, hazards, and misc. objects.
enemy/common/enemyCommon.szs/ Models of the rocks used in petrification. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD, RiiStudio
enemy/data/ Enemy models, .BCA animations, and textures. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, GameCube File Tools (for .BTI textures).
enemy/parm/enemyParms.szs/ Parameters for enemy HP, damage, move speed, collisions, animations, and ultra-bitter petrification models. Notepad++, Pikmin 2 Enemy Collision Tree Blender Addon, Pikmin 2 Enemy Bitter/Stoneinfo Blender Addon
enemy/parm/enemyResList.txt List of enemy resource file paths. Notepad++
*gameConfig.ini These were likely game configuration settings that changed how the game was compiled, to create special versions of Pikmin 2. Notepad++
memoryCard/memoryCardHeader.szs/ Memory card menu icons and banner images. Wiimms Image Tool + Hex Editor
message/font_*.szs/pikmin2main.bfn Font data and textures. bfntoolkit + GameCube File Tools
message/mesRes_*.szs/pikmin2.bmc Data for font coloring. bmc2json
message/mesRes_*.szs/pikmin2.bmg BMG file, all text strings and dialog in the game. pikminBMG
new_screen/ .BLOfiles: HUDs, interfaces, and menus, with all their resources like graphics and animations. pyblo2-gui
opening.bnr Gamecube banner image. pyisotools
pikmin2*P.MAP Symbol map. Text file that lists where every function and piece of data in the game's code is located and its name, and is used in-game by the crash handler for debugging purposes. The symbol map in retail versions of the game is unreadable. Notepad++
thp/ .THPfiles. Pre-rendered videos. The .ini files control when text strings are loaded on top of the videos. wiiflowthpvideoconverter, Notepad++ (for .ini files)
timeStamp*.txt Build dates. "J", "P", and "U" likely represent the Japanese, European, and North American versions. Notepad++
user/Abe/ Masamichi Abe's folder, who was a director for the game.
user/Abe/cave/ Lighting files for caves. Drought Ender's Cave Creator, Notepad++
user/Abe/item/barrelParms.txt Clog health parameter. Notepad++
user/Abe/item/bridgeParms.txt Bridge health parameter. Notepad++
user/Abe/item/fountainParms.txt Challenge Mode geyser health parameter. Notepad++
user/Abe/item/plantParms.txt Burgeoning Spiderwort parameters. Notepad++
user/Abe/item/rockParms.txt Burgeoning Spiderwort mold parameters. Notepad++
user/Abe/item/TreasureParms.txt Buried treasure health parameters. Notepad++
user/Abe/map/ Routes/pathing, object generation, day cycle lighting, and settings for aboveground areas (including the test map and Piklopedia areas). Gen & Route Editor, Notepad++ (for .txt files/.ini lighting)
user/Abe/Pellet/ All treasure models and their .BCK carrying animations, as well as parameters for all carriable objects. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, Notepad++ (for collision/parameters)
user/Abe/Pellet/*/carcass_config.txt Unused enemy carcass parameters. The real parameters are in /user/Abe/Pellet/*/pelletlist_*.szs. Notepad++
user/Abe/Pellet/*/item_config.txt Unused Exploration Kit treasure parameters. The real parameters are in /user/Abe/Pellet/*/pelletlist_*.szs. Notepad++
user/Abe/Pellet/*/item_texts.szs Collision parameters for the Exploration Kit treasures, and their animation file paths. Notepad++
user/Abe/Pellet/*/otakara_config.txt Unused treasure parameters. The real parameters are in /user/Abe/Pellet/*/pelletlist_*.szs. Notepad++
user/Abe/Pellet/*/otakara_texts.szs Collision parameters for the treasures, and their animation file paths. Notepad++
user/Abe/Pellet/*/pellet.szs/ All numbered pellet models, their .BCK carrying animations, and .BRK files that control their color. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio
user/Abe/Pellet/*/pellet_texts.szs/ Collision parameters for the numbered pellets, and their animation file paths. Notepad++
user/Abe/Pellet/*/pelletlist_*.szs Carryable object parameters, including enemy carcasses, Spiderwort berries, treasures, Exploration Kit treasures, and the numbered pellets. Includes carry weights, pokos earned, seeds earned, and the depth treasures are buried. Notepad++
user/Abe/piki/naviParms.txt Leader parameters, like speed and attack power. Notepad++
user/Abe/piki/pikiParms.txt Pikmin parameters, like speed and attack power. Notepad++
user/Abe/stages.txt List of aboveground areas and parameters. Notepad++
user/Abe/time/time.ini Day cycle parameters, controlling the length of the day and the related events that occur. Notepad++
user/Abe/vs/stages.txt List of 2-Player Battle stages and parameters. Notepad++
user/Abe/vs/vs_X_*.txt Pre-determined layouts for the 2-Player Battle stages, listing the cave units they use and their locations. Notepad++
user/Ebisawa/ Yasushi Ebisawa's folder, who programmed the particle effects and title screen.
user/Ebisawa/card_e_reader/ .DWN files for the three e-Reader Pikmin minigames.
user/Ebisawa/effect/ .JPC JParticle archive files. All of the game's used particles and effects. jpc_conv, GameCube File Tools
user/Ebisawa/testdata/ Unused menu files, e-Reader files, and title screen things. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, GameCube File Tools (for .BTI textures)
user/Ebisawa/title/ Models and .BCK animations for the title screen and enemies/Pikmin on it. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio
user/Ebisawa/title/title.szs/param/param_pikmin.txt Title screen Pikmin parameters. Notepad++
user/Ebisawa/title/title.szs/param/param_title.txt Title screen parameters. Notepad++
user/Kando/ Yuji Kando's folder, who programmed the Pikmin and other various systems.
user/Kando/aiConstants.txt Some parameters for constants: gravity, Spiderwort berries needed to create 1 spray, amount needed to repay the debt, and "camera angle" (the Y-axis rotation for when you enter a stage). Notepad++
user/Kando/bridge/ Unused bridge models. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD, RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files), GameCube File Tools
user/Kando/develop/ Leftover development tool resources, seemingly for a map editor, route/path manager, a 2D graphic tester, and animation tester, among other things. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD, RiiStudio, GameCube File Tools
user/Kando/effect/game.jpc Unused .JPC JParticle archive file with a bunch of particle effects. jpc_conv, GameCube File Tools
user/Kando/effect/modeleffect.szs Onion beam model and .BRK/.BTK animations. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
user/Kando/maps/ Models for aboveground/piklopedia areas, waterboxes, and cave vrboxes. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD, RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
user/Kando/mizu.bti Unused texture. GameCube File Tools
user/Kando/objects/ Models and animations for some objects: clog, bridge, seesaw blocks, cave entrances, gates, nectar, geyser, Burgeoning Spiderwort mold, Pikmin head, Burgeoning Spiderwort, nectar rock, Ujadani, and nectar weed. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
user/Kando/onyon/ Onion models and animations. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
user/Kando/piki/ Model and animations for Pikmin, leaders, and the cursor + reticle. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
user/Kando/pod*/ Research Pod model and animations. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
user/Kando/resulttex/ Unused old Treasure Hoard icons, likely for cave/day end results. GameCube File Tools
user/Kando/texCaster/arc.szs/tex.bti Texture that is placed below treasures that spawn in caves. GameCube File Tools
user/Kando/ufo*/ Hocotate Ship model and animations. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
user/Kando/vstex/ 2-Player Battle Roulette icons and other minor HUD textures. GameCube File Tools
user/Kando/zukan/ Slightly simpler copy of the unused test map, with its own generation and lighting settings. Gen & Route Editor (for routes/finding coords for waterboxes), Notepad++ (for .txt files/.ini lighting)
user/Koono/ Hiroyuki Kono (Koono)'s folder, who programmed menus for Pikmin 2.
user/Koono/mail_icon.szs Space mail icons. GameCube File Tools
user/Koono/mail_table.szs/mail_table.bin IDs from the .BMG that correspond to each piece of mail. MailTableConverter
user/Matoba/ Taku Matoba's folder, who designed caves for Pikmin 2.
user/Matoba/challenge/stages.txt List of Challenge Mode stages and parameters. Notepad++
user/Matoba/challenge/kfes-stages.txt List of Challenge Mode stages and parameters, when the game is in KFes mode. Notepad++
user/Matoba/resulttex/ Treasure icons used in the Treasure Hoard and cave/day end results. GameCube File Tools
user/Morimura/ Naoya Morimura's leftover folder, who programmed the more complicated enemies for Pikmin 2.
user/Mukki/ Yutaka Hiramuki's folder, who designed caves for Pikmin 2.
user/Mukki/mapunits/arc/ Cave unit assets and data. Contains models, routes/pathfinding, and waterboxes. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD, RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files, Gen & Route Editor (for routes/finding coords for waterboxes), Notepad++ (for waterboxes), GameCube File Tools (for radar texture)
user/Mukki/caveinfo/ Cave generation files. Drought Ender's Cave Creator, Notepad++
user/Mukki/units/ Cave unit definition files. Drought Ender's Cave Creator, Notepad++
user/Mukki/movie/ .STB files. In-game cutscenes. pikmin2-stb
user/Nishimura/ Katsushito Nishimura's folder, who programmed enemies and the levels for Pikmin 2.
user/Nishimura/Camera/caveCameraParms.txt Camera parameters when in caves. Notepad++
user/Nishimura/Camera/groundCameraParms.txt Camera parameters when aboveground. Notepad++
user/Nishimura/Camera/引きカメラcameraParms.txt Unused camera parameters.
user/Nishimura/Camera/撮影cameraParms.txt Unused camera parameters.
user/Nishimura/Camera/本物 groundCameraParms.txt Unused camera parameters.
user/Nishimura/Camera/本物caveCameraParms.txt Unused camera parameters.
user/Nishimura/Rumble/rumbleData.txt Controller rumble time and power parameters. Notepad++
user/Nishimura/Rumble/rumbleParms.txt Controller rumble modifier for distant objects. Notepad++
user/Nishimura/Shadow/shadowParms.txt Shadow parameters. Notepad++
user/Ogawa/ Yuzuru Ogawa's leftover folder, who programmed menus for Pikmin 2,
user/Totaka/ Kazumi Totaka's folder, who directed the sound design and created some music and sound effects for Pikmin 2.
user/Totaka/BgmList.txt List of all .BMS sequences and volume settings for each. Notepad++
user/Totaka/BgmList_BgmTest.txt List of all .CND conductor files in the game, with a leftover developer comment about compiling cave songs. Notepad++
user/Totaka/BgmList_Forest.txt List of .CND conductor files to use for Awakening Wood cave sublevels. Notepad++
user/Totaka/BgmList_Last.txt List of .CND conductor files to use for Wistful Wild cave sublevels. Notepad++
user/Totaka/BgmList_Tutorial.txt List of .CND conductor files to use for Valley of Repose cave sublevels. Notepad++
user/Totaka/BgmList_Yakushima.txt List of .CND conductor files to use for Perplexing Pool cave sublevels. Notepad++
user/Totaka/ChallengeBgmList.txt List of .CND conductor files to use for all Challenge Mode cave sublevels. Notepad++
user/Totaka/StreamList.txt List of all streams, their ID, and volume settings. Notepad++
user/Totaka/trackMap_Cond_T.txt Track mappings that apply to caveconc and new_XX .CND conductor files. Notepad++
user/Totaka/trackMap_Seq_T.txt Track mappings that apply to caveglass and caverelax .BMS sequences. Notepad++
user/Wakai/ Hajime Wakai's folder, who wrote music for Pikmin 2.
user/Wakai/trackMap_Cond_W.txt Track mappings that apply to cavemetal and cavesoil .CND conductor files. Notepad++
user/Wakai/trackMap_Seq_W.txt Track mappings that apply to a few of Hajime Wakai's .BMS sequences. Notepad++
user/Yamashita/ Yoshikazu Yamashita's folder, who did system programming and programmed most of the enemies for Pikmin 2.
user/Yamashita/arc/ Boot screen textures. GameCube File Tools
user/Yamashita/enemytex/ Piklopedia icons. GameCube File Tools
user/Yamashita/zukan/ Piklopedia enemy appearance parameters and day cycle lighting parameters. Notepad++


Path Details Recommended Tool
hbm/ Wii home button menu resources.
nand/saveBanner/SaveBanner2_*.tpl Save banner images. Wiimms Image Tools
keyconfig.ini .ini file that controls button mapping for most actions in the game. Notepad++
opening.bnr Disc Channel intro. ShowMeWads, Switch Toolbox (layouts)
pikmin12/ Extra resources shared between Wii Pikmin 1 & 2.
pikmin12/3d/cursor.szs/cursor.brres 3D model used for the cursor. BrawlCrate, Switch Toolbox
pikmin12/cursor/cursorBlur.bti Texture used for the cursor trail. GameCube File Tools
pikmin12/*/font/pikmin12.brfnt Main font used for new Wii Pikmin 1 & 2 text, such as the ones in BRLYT files. BRFNTify Next
pikmin12/*/message/pik12message.bmc Font color data for new Wii Pikmin 1 & 2 text.
pikmin12/*/message/pik12message.bmg Message resource for new Wii Pikmin 1 & 2 text. Wiimms BMG Tool
pikmin12/screen/ BRLYT files. Resources for the Wii Remote and Nunchuk connection screens, and the attract mode caption UI.
pikmin2/ Main Pikmin 2 resources.
pikmin2/AudioRes/ JAudio resources. Contains data for music, instruments, and sound effects. Pikmin 2 Sound Modding Toolkit
pikmin2/AudioRes/Banks .AW wave scene files. Contain audio samples of instruments and sound effects for the instrument programs. Pikmin 2 Sound Modding Toolkit
pikmin2/AudioRes/BgmList.txt Early list of sequences and volume settings. The real BgmList.txt is in Totaka's folder. Notepad++
pikmin2/AudioRes/Conductor.arc/ .CND conductor files. Creates music for caves. Hex Editor
pikmin2/AudioRes/Key.arc/ .BAS files, which link SoundIDs to enemy animations. bastool
pikmin2/AudioRes/Key.arc/enemy.prj Leftover project information about the .BAS files.
pikmin2/AudioRes/PSound.aaf .AAF audio archive file. Integral file that contains information about all the available sound effects, waves, instrument banks + programs, and music. Pikmin 2 Sound Modding Toolkit
pikmin2/AudioRes/PSound.asn .ASN audio sound names. Contains a list of all SoundIDs, which reference a sequence from se.bms. asn2csv
pikmin2/AudioRes/Seqs/Seq.arc/ .BMS binary music sequences. Contains sequenced music (akin to MIDI files). flaaffy or JAIMaker
pikmin2/AudioRes/Seqs/Seq.arc/se.bms Special .BMS file containing all sound effect sequences in the game. p2setoolkit, flaaffy or JAIMaker
pikmin2/AudioRes/Stream/ .AST audio streams. Contains streamed music (akin to WAV or MP3 files). JATAST
pikmin2/banner/ Contains three different Gamecube banner images for Pikmin 2. This folder is unused; depending on the region, one of these was copied and placed into the pikmin2 directory as opening.bnr pyisotools
pikmin2/enemy/ Enemy data. Also includes plants, hazards, and misc. objects.
pikmin2/enemy/common/enemyCommon.szs/ Models of the rocks used in petrification. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD, RiiStudio
pikmin2/enemy/data/ Enemy models, .BCA animations, and textures. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, GameCube File Tools (for .BTI textures).
pikmin2/enemy/parm/enemyParms.szs/ Parameters for enemy HP, damage, move speed, collisions, animations, and ultra-bitter petrification models. Notepad++, Pikmin 2 Enemy Collision Tree Blender Addon, Pikmin 2 Enemy Bitter/Stoneinfo Blender Addon
pikmin2/enemy/parm/enemyResList.txt List of enemy resource file paths. Notepad++
pikmin2/gameConfig.ini These were likely game configuration settings that changed how the game was compiled, to create special versions of Pikmin 2. Notepad++
pikmin2/memoryCard/memoryCardHeader.szs/ Memory card menu icons and banner images. Wiimms Image Tool + Hex Editor
pikmin2/message/font_*.szs/pikmin2main.bfn Font data and textures. bfntoolkit + GameCube File Tools
pikmin2/message/mesRes_*.szs/pikmin2.bmc Data for font coloring. bmc2json
pikmin2/message/mesRes_*.szs/pikmin2.bmg BMG file, all text strings and dialog in the game. pikminBMG
pikmin2/message/pik12message.bmc Unused font coloring data for Wii Pikmin 1 & 2.
pikmin2/message/pik12message.bmg Unused message resource for Wii Pikmin 1 & 2. Wiimms BMG Tool
pikmin2/new_screen/ .BLOfiles: HUDs, interfaces, and menus, with all their resources like graphics and animations. pyblo2-gui
pikmin2/opening.bnr Gamecube banner image. pyisotools
pikmin2/thp/ .THPfiles. Pre-rendered videos. The .ini files control when text strings are loaded on top of the videos. The .ini files for the attarct mode demos use a different caption system. wiiflowthpvideoconverter, Notepad++ (for .ini files)
pikmin2/user/Abe/ Masamichi Abe's folder, who was a director for the game.
pikmin2/user/Abe/cave/ Lighting files for caves. Drought Ender's Cave Creator, Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/item/barrelParms.txt Clog health parameter. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/item/bridgeParms.txt Bridge health parameter. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/item/fountainParms.txt Challenge Mode geyser health parameter. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/item/plantParms.txt Burgeoning Spiderwort parameters. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/item/rockParms.txt Burgeoning Spiderwort mold parameters. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/item/TreasureParms.txt Buried treasure health parameters. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/map/ Routes/pathing, object generation, day cycle lighting, and settings for aboveground areas (including the test map and Piklopedia areas). Gen & Route Editor, Notepad++ (for .txt files/.ini lighting)
pikmin2/user/Abe/Pellet/ All treasure models and their .BCK carrying animations, as well as parameters for all carriable objects. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, Notepad++ (for collision/parameters)
pikmin2/user/Abe/Pellet/*/carcass_config.txt Unused enemy carcass parameters. The real parameters are in /user/Abe/Pellet/*/pelletlist_*.szs. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/Pellet/*/item_config.txt Unused Exploration Kit treasure parameters. The real parameters are in /user/Abe/Pellet/*/pelletlist_*.szs. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/Pellet/*/item_texts.szs Collision parameters for the Exploration Kit treasures, and their animation file paths. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/Pellet/*/otakara_config.txt Unused treasure parameters. The real parameters are in /user/Abe/Pellet/*/pelletlist_*.szs. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/Pellet/*/otakara_texts.szs Collision parameters for the treasures, and their animation file paths. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/Pellet/*/pellet.szs/ All numbered pellet models, their .BCK carrying animations, and .BRK files that control their color. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio
pikmin2/user/Abe/Pellet/*/pellet_texts.szs/ Collision parameters for the numbered pellets, and their animation file paths. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/Pellet/*/pelletlist_*.szs Carryable object parameters, including enemy carcasses, Spiderwort berries, treasures, Exploration Kit treasures, and the numbered pellets. Includes carry weights, pokos earned, seeds earned, and the depth treasures are buried. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/piki/naviParms.txt Leader parameters, like speed and attack power. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/piki/pikiParms.txt Pikmin parameters, like speed and attack power. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/stages_*.txt List of aboveground areas and parameters. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/time/time.ini Day cycle parameters, controlling the length of the day and the related events that occur. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/vs/stages.txt List of 2-Player Battle stages and parameters. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Abe/vs/vs_X_*.txt Pre-determined layouts for the 2-Player Battle stages, listing the cave units they use and their locations. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Ebisawa/ Yasushi Ebisawa's folder, who programmed the particle effects and title screen.
pikmin2/user/Ebisawa/card_e_reader/ .DWN files for the three e-Reader Pikmin minigames.
pikmin2/user/Ebisawa/effect/ .JPC JParticle archive files. All of the game's used particles and effects. jpc_conv, GameCube File Tools
pikmin2/user/Ebisawa/testdata/ Unused menu files, e-Reader files, and title screen things. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, GameCube File Tools (for .BTI textures)
pikmin2/user/Ebisawa/title/ Models and .BCK animations for the title screen and enemies/Pikmin on it. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio
pikmin2/user/Ebisawa/title/title.szs/param/param_pikmin.txt Title screen Pikmin parameters. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Ebisawa/title/title.szs/param/param_title.txt Title screen parameters. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Kando/ Yuji Kando's folder, who programmed the Pikmin and other various systems.
pikmin2/user/Kando/aiConstants.txt Some parameters for constants: gravity, Spiderwort berries needed to create 1 spray, amount needed to repay the debt, and "camera angle" (the Y-axis rotation for when you enter a stage). Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Kando/bridge/ Unused bridge models. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD, RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files), GameCube File Tools
pikmin2/user/Kando/effect/game.jpc Unused .JPC JParticle archive file with a bunch of particle effects. jpc_conv, GameCube File Tools
pikmin2/user/Kando/effect/modeleffect.szs Onion beam model and .BRK/.BTK animations. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
pikmin2/user/Kando/maps/ Models for aboveground/piklopedia areas, waterboxes, and cave vrboxes. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD, RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
pikmin2/user/Kando/mizu.bti Unused texture. GameCube File Tools
pikmin2/user/Kando/objects/ Models and animations for some objects: clog, bridge, seesaw blocks, cave entrances, gates, nectar, geyser, Burgeoning Spiderwort mold, Pikmin head, Burgeoning Spiderwort, nectar rock, Ujadani, and nectar weed. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
pikmin2/user/Kando/onyon/ Onion models and animations. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
pikmin2/user/Kando/piki/ Model and animations for Pikmin, leaders, and the old cursor + reticle. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
pikmin2/user/Kando/pod*/ Research Pod model and animations. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
pikmin2/user/Kando/resulttex/ Unused old Treasure Hoard icons, likely for cave/day end results. GameCube File Tools
pikmin2/user/Kando/texCaster/arc.szs/tex.bti Texture that is placed below treasures that spawn in caves. GameCube File Tools
pikmin2/user/Kando/ufo*/ Hocotate Ship model and animations. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD (animations), RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files)
pikmin2/user/Kando/vstex/ 2-Player Battle Roulette icons and other minor HUD textures. GameCube File Tools
pikmin2/user/Kando/zukan/ Slightly simpler copy of the unused test map, with its own generation and lighting settings. Gen & Route Editor (for routes/finding coords for waterboxes), Notepad++ (for .txt files/.ini lighting)
pikmin2/user/Koono/ Hiroyuki Kono (Koono)'s folder, who programmed menus for Pikmin 2.
pikmin2/user/Koono/mail_icon.szs Space mail icons. GameCube File Tools
pikmin2/user/Koono/mail_table.szs/mail_table.bin IDs from the .BMG that correspond to each piece of mail. MailTableConverter
pikmin2/user/Matoba/ Taku Matoba's folder, who designed caves for Pikmin 2.
pikmin2/user/Matoba/challenge/stages.txt List of Challenge Mode stages and parameters. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Matoba/challenge/kfes-stages.txt List of Challenge Mode stages and parameters, when the game is in KFes mode. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Matoba/resulttex/ Treasure icons used in the Treasure Hoard and cave/day end results. GameCube File Tools
pikmin2/user/Morimura/ Naoya Morimura's leftover folder, who programmed the more complicated enemies for Pikmin 2.
pikmin2/user/Mukki/ Yutaka Hiramuki's folder, who designed caves for Pikmin 2.
pikmin2/user/Mukki/mapunits/arc/ Cave unit assets and data. Contains models, routes/pathfinding, and waterboxes. FinModelUtility, SuperBMD, RiiStudio, obj2grid (for the .BIN collision files, Gen & Route Editor (for routes/finding coords for waterboxes), Notepad++ (for waterboxes), GameCube File Tools (for radar texture)
pikmin2/user/Mukki/caveinfo/*/ Cave generation files. Drought Ender's Cave Creator, Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Mukki/units/ Cave unit definition files. Drought Ender's Cave Creator, Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Mukki/movie/ .STB files. In-game cutscenes. pikmin2-stb
pikmin2/user/Nishimura/ Katsushito Nishimura's folder, who programmed enemies and the levels for Pikmin 2.
pikmin2/user/Nishimura/Camera/caveCameraParms.txt Camera parameters when in caves. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Nishimura/Camera/groundCameraParms.txt Camera parameters when aboveground. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Nishimura/Camera/引きカメラcameraParms.txt Unused camera parameters.
pikmin2/user/Nishimura/Camera/撮影cameraParms.txt Unused camera parameters.
pikmin2/user/Nishimura/Camera/本物 groundCameraParms.txt Unused camera parameters.
pikmin2/user/Nishimura/Camera/本物caveCameraParms.txt Unused camera parameters.
pikmin2/user/Nishimura/Rumble/rumbleData.txt Controller rumble time and power parameters. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Nishimura/Rumble/rumbleParms.txt Controller rumble modifier for distant objects. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Nishimura/Shadow/shadowParms.txt Shadow parameters. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Ogawa/ Yuzuru Ogawa's leftover folder, who programmed menus for Pikmin 2,
pikmin2/user/Totaka/ Kazumi Totaka's folder, who directed the sound design and created some music and sound effects for Pikmin 2.
pikmin2/user/Totaka/BgmList.txt List of all .BMS sequences and volume settings for each. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Totaka/BgmList_BgmTest.txt List of all .CND conductor files in the game, with a leftover developer comment about compiling cave songs. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Totaka/BgmList_Forest.txt List of .CND conductor files to use for Awakening Wood cave sublevels. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Totaka/BgmList_Last.txt List of .CND conductor files to use for Wistful Wild cave sublevels. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Totaka/BgmList_Tutorial.txt List of .CND conductor files to use for Valley of Repose cave sublevels. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Totaka/BgmList_Yakushima.txt List of .CND conductor files to use for Perplexing Pool cave sublevels. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Totaka/ChallengeBgmList.txt List of .CND conductor files to use for all Challenge Mode cave sublevels. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Totaka/StreamList.txt List of all streams, their ID, and volume settings. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Totaka/trackMap_Cond_T.txt Track mappings that apply to caveconc and new_XX .CND conductor files. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Totaka/trackMap_Seq_T.txt Track mappings that apply to caveglass and caverelax .BMS sequences. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Wakai/ Hajime Wakai's folder, who wrote music for Pikmin 2.
pikmin2/user/Wakai/trackMap_Cond_W.txt Track mappings that apply to cavemetal and cavesoil .CND conductor files. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Wakai/trackMap_Seq_W.txt Track mappings that apply to a few of Hajime Wakai's .BMS sequences. Notepad++
pikmin2/user/Yamashita/ Yoshikazu Yamashita's folder, who did system programming and programmed most of the enemies for Pikmin 2.
pikmin2/user/Yamashita/arc/ Boot screen textures. GameCube File Tools
pikmin2/user/Yamashita/enemytex/ Piklopedia icons. GameCube File Tools
pikmin2/user/Yamashita/zukan/ Piklopedia enemy appearance parameters and day cycle lighting parameters. Notepad++
PSSpk/ Wii Remote speaker sound effect resources.
PSSpk/PSSpkRes.arc/PSSpkWave.csw Audio container for sound effects that come out of the Wii Remote speaker. cswtool
system12.ini ini file that contains some extra game configuration options. Notepad++
Wii_Strap_Reminder/*/bti/ .BTI files. Wii Remote strap reminders shown on startup. GameCube File Tools